The Opening Meeting Of The “Technical Assistance for Capacity Building For Measure Advisory Services Of the IPARD II Programme In Turkey
The Opening Meeting of the Technical Assistance for Capacity Building for Measure Advisory Services of the IPARD II Programme in Turkey, which is co-financed by the European Union and conducted by the Republic of Turkey the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, General Directorate of Agrarian Reform, Department of Managing Authority for EU Structural Adjustment, took place on May 2nd, 2019 in Ankara.
The General Director of Agrarian Reform Mr. Hasan ÖZLÜ, Attaché and Deputy Head of Section of Trade and Other EU Policies in the European Union Delegation to Turkey Mr. Giulio GENTILE, and Deputy Director of Financial Cooperation and Project Implementation in the Directorate for EU Affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs made opening speeches.
During his speech, Mr. Hasan Özlü stated that IPARD – I was completed in 2013 and the second phase started in 2014 based on the experience gained thereafter and emphasised that it was aimed through the programme to improve the life conditions in the rural areas and reduce the migration from the rural areas to the urban places.
Mr. Özlü pointed out that within the scope of the technical assistance for IPARD II Programme, 470 staff of the public institutions and civil society organisations would be provided with the training programmes and stated that in that regard, the capacity building would be ensured in the field of IPARD advisory services.
Within the scope of the project, increasing the capacity in terms of implementing the measure for advisory services, providing free project preparation services for potential law-income beneficiaries of the IPARD programme who want to bring their projects into action, increasing the applications of the farmers, food processors and rural communities to the IPARD II Programme through “Advisory Services” are targeted.
The representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the European Union Delegation to Turkey, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Central Finance and Contracts Unit as well as the representatives from important produces such as Milk Producers of Turkey, Cattle Breeders’ Association of Turkey and Red Meat Producers’ Association attended the meeting.