Kick-Off Meeting of Technical Assistance for Increasing the Policy Making Capacity of Directorate General of International Labour Force in the Field of Labour Migration Project was Successfully Held Online
Under the Konsoriyum leadership of WYG International Danışmanlık Limited Şirketi the Kick-Off Meeting of "Technical Assistance for Increasing the Policy Making Capacity of Directorate General of International Labour Force in the Field of Labour Migration" Project was held on April 1st, 2021. The meeting was held online with the representatives of Directorate General of International Labour Force and Directorate of European Union and Financial Assistance under Republic of Turkey Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services, Delegation of the European Union to Turkey and Consortium partners. We would like to take this occasion to thank Mr. Ali AYBEY, Deputy General Manager of Directorate General for Foreign Relations and Ms. Süreyya ERKAN, Head of Directorate for European Union and Financial Assistance for their inspirational and supportive speeches and all participants for their valuable participation.
The Project aims to support policy making regarding labour migration management and to contribute in an inclusive and well-functioning labour market with specific emphasis on decent work and to improve the policy making, implementation, monitoring and evaluation capacity of the DGILF and relevant stakeholders in order to enhance labour migration and national employment policies.