GATE for Women Project “This is Women” Photography Contest Results Announced
Technical Assistance for Garment Training and Entrepreneurship Initiative (GATE for Women) project which was implementing by WYG Türkiye and aiming to promote the employability of women and support women entrepreneurship by facilitating sustainable vocational training, entrepreneurship and employment mechanism in the ready-made garment (RMG) sector for women; “This is Women” photography contest which was held between 7th of November 2016 and 7th of February 2017 for increasing the awareness level of women concerning their participation into economic and social life was resulted. Total 1087 photograph artists from 68 provinces took part in the contest.
Selection Committee Evaluating 5227 photographs
A Selection Committee consisting of Press and Public Relations Specialist Mr. Ahmet Yeşilçiçek on behalf of Eastern Black Sea Development Agency, Photograph Artist Mr. Atilla Alp Bölükbaşı and Photograph Artist Mr. Vedat Osmanoğlu gathered on 15th of February 2017 and evaluated a total of 5227 photographs in two separate categories- 3486 of which are colored and 1741 of which are black and white.
As a result of the evaluations made for the contest held in cooperation with Photographic Arts Federation of Turkey (PAFT):
In Digital Color category;
Ümmü Kandilcioğlu from Ankara was awarded with the First Prize for his work titled ‘Atlı Okçu Kız (Mounted Archer Girl)’;
Serkan Daldal from Konya was awarded with the Second Prize for his work titled ‘Testici Çift (Potter Couple)’;
Özgür Bozkurt from İzmir was awarded with the Third Prize for his work titled ‘Dans (Dance)’.
In Digital Black and White category;
Turan Keskin from İstanbul was awarded with the First Prize for his work titled ‘Yaşam (Life)’;
Caner Başer from Aksaray was awarded with the Second Prize for his work titled ‘Seralar (Greenhouses)’;
Fatma Derin from Ankara was awarded with the Third Prize for her work titled ‘Eberde Kadın (Woman in Eber)’.
In the contest, the photographs awarded with a prize and deserved to be exhibited will be exhibited in the events to be performed within the scope of the project.