Antakya Furniture taking its place on İMOB Fair
The furniture designed within the scope of Technical Assistance for the Hand Made in Hatay Operation (ANMOGEP) whose consortium is consisted of Project Group Consultancy and WYG Turkey has met with the international committees, architects and consumers in the 13th International İstanbul Furniture Fair (İMOB).
Under the leadership of Antakya Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Development of Furniture Business Project (ANMOGEP) has been put into practice within the Competitive Sectors Programme being implemented by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology. After the research and design process lasting for two years, 15 different collections were exhibited for the international committees, architects and consumers for the first time in 13th International İstanbul Furniture Fair (İMOB).
Within the scope of ANMOGEP jointly supported by Antakya Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Eastern Mediterranean Development Agency, Antakya Small Industry Area Cooperative, Hatay Union of Chambers of Merchants and Craftsmen and Antakya Chamber of Carpenters and Lumbermen; for furniture sector in Antakya, it is aimed to develop the production quality and capacity, increase the competitiveness in the international market and develop new designs and branding.
Implemented with an investment of €7,3 million, the aim of the project is to contribute to the SMEs in furniture production and the socio-economic development of the region.
Establishing The Joint Production Centre
The Joint Production Centre established within the project will be available for the furniture sector as equipped with an advanced and computer based technology. Expected to operate within 2017, The Joint Production Centre will be able to provide service for all manufacturers. Therefore, the manufacturers will be able to enhance their competitiveness in the market by manufacturing more quality products in the desirable capacity and less cost through the use of the machines with advanced technology and capacity that they are not able to own by themselves.
Trainings shedding a light for manufacturer
7 trainings with 300 participants were held in order to promote the establishment of a sectoral network to support the businesses in furniture sector in Antakya and to increase their knowledge and skills. Following the trainings, 10 different role-model companies were identified and provided consultancy services as per their needs.
15 collections totally in 63 pieces designed
Following the fieldwork conducted in Hatay-Antakya and around the region, over 300 motifs to be based in the collection were compiled. In accordance with these motifs, a total of 15 collections in 63 pieces and 12 different pieces of traditional furniture were designed by Sezgin Akan and Sergio Perez, industrial designers, and Ali Altun, woodworking and furniture craftsman in Antakya.
Collections of traditional, neoclassical and modern furniture and accessories were produced under the brand of “Antakya Furniture” by 10 role-model companies selected among the local manufacturers that have a long past in Hatay. These prototypes were exhibited for the first time during the 13th International İstanbul Furniture Fair (İMOB) held on 24-29 January.
“The Sectoral Strategic Marketing and Branding Plan” is ready
The project was started primarily with a Market Research in 11 provinces. In order to make an assessment on the current situation; there has been some evaluations on the furniture design work to be exemplary for Antakya Furniture, furniture categories which are still used for production in the region, potentials of the companies, contributions of craftsmen and expectations of the target audience. And these facts have been the starting point of the plan.
Accordingly, “from Motif to Collection” catalogue of Antakya Furniture has been prepared within the scope of corporate identity work of the brand. A special logo for “Antakya Furniture” to gather all products under a single roof has been designed. Additionally, the website and the social media accounts have been activated to support the promotion of the brand and products.