Reinforcement of the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) in Lebanon
Reinforcement of the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) in Lebanon Project has started by November 18th, 2016 and will be implemented for 42 months.Within the scope of this project, we as WYG Group as the leader of the consortium will contribute to improving the quality and coverage of the NSSF services.
The project will serve for 4 purposes which will lead to the achievement of 11 result areas. The 1st purpose aims to enhance the strategic, technical and institutional capacity of NSSF. This purpose will be achieved through R1 reviewing and developing IT Master Plan of NSSF for supporting automation of the system in line with the reformation process of the institution for the execution of integrated social protection scheme in Lebanon; R2 providing technical support and warranty of the IT related applications developed by the Consultant for a year after the approval of the operational activities; R3 reviewing and developing strategic positioning of NSSF; R4 supporting monitoring and evaluating of the KPIs and ensuring reliable and consistent data for the future strategic plans through scorecard system; R5 improving administrative organisation of the NSSF; R6 building capacity of NSSF staff through trainings and coaching.
The 2nd purpose aims at improving the legislative framework and the related quality of service of the Actuarial management. This purpose will be achieved through R7 enhancing of mainstreaming the social insurance coverage; R8 improving quality of service of the Actuarial Department and data mining tools to utilize the available data for a better decision making process.
The 3rd purpose aims at improving NSSF operations which will be achieved through R9 reviewing and streamlining existing procedures; R10 strengthening the ICT link of the NSSF administration mainstreaming communication with “external world”.
The 4th and the final purpose aims at to implement management of change through awareness and communication through R11 rationalizing and modernizing NSSF methods of management, strengthening the visibility of the project and raising awareness of all stakeholders on the undertaking efforts and raising NSSF staff ownership to the project.