The Second of Capacity Building Training in the field of EU Acquis was Completed in Ankara
The second of capacity building training in the field of EU Acquis was in Ankara held on November 27-30, 2018 in the premises of Union of Municipalities of Turkey (UMT) within the scope of “Town Twinning between Turkey and the EU Project (TWIN)” which aims to increase administrative capacity during the EU accession process.
Training programme commenced with opening speeches of Mr. Cemal Baş, UMT Project and Finance Unit Manager, and Mr. Bülent Özcan, Head of Project Implementation of Directorate for EU Affairs.
Four-day training programme was completed with the presentations of Prof. Dr. Birgül DEMİRTAŞ, Prof. Dr. Sanem BAYKAL, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak ALPAN, representatives of Ministry of Environment and Urbanization and Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, Mr. Volkan TOPÇU, Mr. Fikret TOKSÖZ, Gerald DAWSON and Mr. Sadun EMREALP, Project Team Leader. The training had more than 50 participants. Following topics were addressed under the scope of the training:
• Overview of the EU and the Acquis
• Current framework for localising the EU Acquis chapters
• Harmonisation activities by local authorities in selected EU Acquis chapters
• Capacity building for localising EU Acquis chapters
• Raising awareness of citizens on EU accession process
• Good practices in Turkey in relation to localising the EU acquis chapters
The programme was concluded with certificate ceremony and family photo shooting