Internal Stakeholder Meeting
Within the framework of the Technical Assistance Project for Strengthening Capacity of Ministry of Family and Social Policies for Public – CSO Cooperation, the Lessons Learnt Panel and the Internal Stakeholder Meeting were held in Ankara on 5 July 2018. Representatives of the Ministry of Family and Social Policy, YADA Foundation, Istanbul Bilgi University representatives and Technical Support Team attended the meeting. At the meeting, it was discussed that CSOs should cooperate with each other to be stronger and more effective, and that this capacity development would be reflected more strongly in cooperation with the public. Considering that the PUBLIC-CSO cooperation is a process, it is necessary to be supported continuously through trainings. The information access of CSOs is limited. Therefore, it is suggested to create and share information pool through local units. As a result of the meeting, it was emphasized that knowing better each other has been stated as a good way to create an environment that respects both sides.