International Standardization Conference was Held as part of the Technical Assistance Project for the Development of the Standardization System and Raising Awareness
Neslim Arabacıoğlu
/ Categories: Haberler, Boxes

International Standardization Conference was Held as part of the Technical Assistance Project for the Development of the Standardization System and Raising Awareness

Hosted by the Turkish Standards Institution, the Conference started with the opening speeches by the President of Turkish Standards Institution Prof. Dr. Adem ŞAHİN, the Vice Chairman of Board of Directors of Istanbul Chamber of Industry Mr. Sadık Ayhan SARUHAN, the Head of the Section of Trade, Economy, and Other EU Policies of European Union Delegation to Turkey Mr. Bartosz PRZYWARA, the Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism Mr. Ahmet Misbah DEMİRCAN, and the Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology Mr. Hasan BÜYÜKDEDE.

During the Standardization Award Ceremony held after the opening speeches;

Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology Mr. Hasan BÜYÜKDEDE and the Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism Mr. Ahmet Misbah DEMİRCAN presented the awards to Ms. Müjgan ÇETİN in the branch of Active Mirror Committee; Mr. Ahmet Cevat AKKAYA in the branch of Active SME; Mr. Halil Kamil CERİT and Mr. Ozan DEVLEN in the branch of Directing International Standards; Ms. Nida Nur İNKAYA and Ms. Emel DAMARLI in the branch of Active Sector, Assembly, and NGO; and Mr. Bartosz PRZYWARA and Ms. Ela YAZICI İNAN on behalf of the European Union Delegation to Turkey in the branch of Support to Standardization.

In the "International Standardization" session of the programme, the Secretary General of SMIIC Mr. İhsan ÖVÜT, the Managing Director of IQNET Mr. Pedro Castro ALVES, the Director General of CEN/CENELEC Ms. Elena SANTIAGO CID, the General Secretary of IEC Mr. Philippe METZGER, and the Secretary General of ISO Mr. Sergio MUJICA participated in the conference online and gave their speeches on international standardization studies.

In the "Digital Transformation and Standards" session, the Chief Executive Officer of GOST-R Mr. Anton SHALAEV gave his speech titled as "The Way of Creating Standards in the Future and What is SMART?", and the Founder of Narnix Technolabs Pvt. Ltd. Mr. N. Kishor NARANG gave his speech titled as "Artificial Intelligence – Is it the New Plastic?"

In the afternoon session of the conference, the SME Research and Consultancy Center Director of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Mr. Cahit CEREN took the floor first. Mr. Cahit CEREN informed the participants on the "Importance of Standards and Standardization for Industrialists and SMEs", and later the Head of Technology Standards and Standard-Based Patents Task Force of Turkish Industry and Business Association (TUSIAD) Mr. Samir DELİORMANLI provided the participants with information on "the Technology Standards and the Situation in Our Country".

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