Trainings Regarding Labour Migration Policies of EU/EU Member States
Neslim Arabacıoğlu
/ Categories: Haberler, Boxes

Trainings Regarding Labour Migration Policies of EU/EU Member States

Within the scope of the “Technical Assistance for Increasing the Policy-Making Capacity of Directorate General of International Labour Force” Project, of which the Directorate General of International Labour Force in the Ministry of Labour and Social Security is the Operation Beneficiary, and WYG Turkey is the consortium leader, the “Trainings on the EU/EU Member States policy on brain drain” activity under Intervention 1 Institutional Capacity Building – Trainings regarding Labour Migration Policies of EU/EU Member States was delivered successfully with the participation of staff of Directorate General of International Labour Force and Operation Coordination Unit members on February 15-16, 2022 at Ankara Point Hotel.

The overall objective of the subject Project, which is financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey, is to support policy making regarding labour migration management and to contribute in an inclusive and well-functioning labor market with specific emphasis on decent work by improving the policy-making, implementation, monitoring and evaluation capacity of the Directorate General of International Labour Force and relevant stakeholders in order to enhance labour migration and national employment policies.

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