The 4th Local Stakeholder Meeting of the Empowering Women through Cooperatives Project
The 4th Local Stakeholder Meeting of the Empowering Women through Cooperatives Project was held on 23 August 2022 in Isparta. Opening speeches of the meeting were given by the Head of Department of Training and Publication of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Mr. Sürur KIR, Director General on Status of Women of the Ministry of Family and Social Services, Ms. Gülser USTAOĞLU and the Governor of Isparta, Mr. Aydın BARUŞ.
In the meeting, which was held with the aim of preparing Provincial Roadmaps and Action Plans to empower women's cooperatives, group studies and presentations were made with the keen participation of the public institutions, local governments, women's cooperatives, women's cooperatives unions, companies that are active in the supply chain, academicians working with cooperatives and non-governmental organisations.