Technical Assistance Project for the Development of the Digitalization and Creativity Ecosystem in Kütahya
The kick-off meeting of the “Technical Assistance Project for the Development of the Digitalization and Creativity Ecosystem in Kütahya”, funded by the European Union and the Republic of Türkiye, implemented within the scope of the Competitive Sectors Program of the Ministry of Industry and Technology, to which the Municipality of Kütahya is the beneficiary, was held in Kütahya on 20 June 2023.
The project aims to contribute to the socio-economic development of Kütahya by increasing the competitiveness of the creative industries sector, and with the activities to be carried out within this scope, it is aimed to take an important step in Kütahya's digital transformation process and to increase the competitiveness of the region at national and international level.
Deputy Governor Mustafa GÜNEY, Mayor of Kütahya Prof. Dr. Alim IŞIK, Kütahya Dumlupınar University Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Hasan GÖÇMEZ, Etude Project Manager Mehmet ZENCİ and the project team, Chairperson of Kütahya Chamber of Merchants and Artisans for Çini Manufacturers, Photographers, and Handicrafts Sadık ERİLBAYLI, Secretary General of Zafer Development Agency Veli OĞUZ, çini master İsmail YİĞİT, Secretary General of Kütahya Chamber of Commerce and Industry Salih Nafi ALIÇ and his team, representatives from the Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Industry and Technology, General Directorate of EU and Foreign Relations, EU Financial Programs Department officials and consortium members participated in the meeting.
As WYG Türkiye, we will contribute to the digitalization and creativity ecosystem of Kütahya and support the socio-economic development of the city in our new project.