6th Steering Committee Meeting and the Leadership Breakfast Event from the Services Project
The sixth Steering Committee Meeting of the Services Project was held together with the Leadership Breakfast Event on Friday, 29 July 2016 at the Ankara J.W. Marriott Hotel. Representatives from the Directorate of Economic and Fiscal Policies of the Ministry for the European Union Affairs of Republic of Turkey as the Beneficiary, representative of the Central Finance and Contracts Unit, the European Union Delegation to Turkey, relevant stakeholders from the Project Steering Committee Members and the Technical Assistance Team Members took part at the event.
After the participants have had their breakfasts, Mr. Sinan Ayhan, as the Director of the Directorate of Economic and Fiscal Policies of the Ministry for European Union Affairs of Republic of Turkey, opened the meeting and welcomed the participants. Ms. Jasmina Trajkovski as the Team Leader, Prof.Dr.Sanem Baykal, Mr. Süleyman Yazır and Mr. Mustafa Afyonluoğlu as the Project Key Experts and Mr. Acar Şensoy as the Non-Key Expert took floor afterwards, respectively in order to inform the participants on the recent project developments and outputs regarding the Services, Professional Qualifications, Points of Single Contact and National Assistance Centres and Investment Plan activities. Ms. Friederike Wüenschmann, as the Sector Manager and the European Union Delegation to Turkey representative took floor as the final speaker and started her words by condemning the latest phenomenon and supporting the Turkish society on their solidarity. Ms. Wüenschmann finished his speech thanking to the stakeholders, the Project Technical Assistance Team and the Ministry for European Union Affairs representatives for their efforts on the success of the project.
After the Leadership Breakfast and the 6th Steering Committee Meeting has ended, the stakeholders, representatives from the Central Finance and Contracts Unit, the Ministry for European Union Affairs and the members of the Technical Assistance Team had some group pictures at the hotel.