27 May 2021
WYG Türkiye Translation Unit and Yaşar University Department of Translation and Interpreting Came Together for an Online Meeting Regarding "Translation Internship - Sectoral Collaboration" on 27th May 2021

WYG Türkiye Translation Unit and Yaşar University Department of Translation and Interpreting Came Together for an Online Meeting Regarding "Translation Internship - Sectoral Collaboration" on 27th May 2021

WYG Türkiye Translation Unit and Yaşar University Department of Translation and Interpreting came together for an online meeting regarding "Translation Internship - Sectoral Collaboration" on 27th May 2021. Head of Department Assist. Prof. (PhD) Trevor John Hope, Lecturer Dr.  Asiye Öztürk, Lecturer (PhD) Aslı Davaz made their presentations and shared their opinions on translation from an academic perspective. To offer a practical perspective from project management consulting sector, WYG Türkiye Translation Unit Coordinator Ceren Özgür, and WYG Türkiye Translator Mert Duman, Özlem Yuvarlak and Kadir Göker Yıldırım made their presentations. Translation Unit Coordinator Ceren Özgür introduced WYG Türkiye and Translation Unit then elaborated on what as a global company, WYG Türkiye Translation Unit expects from intern translator(s) with a specific emphasis on the translation quality and standards. Also, WYG Türkiye Translation Unit members answered the questions raised by professors and students. Finally, both parties thanked each other and expressed their wishes for further mutually beneficial cooperation.

06 May 2021
WYG Türkiye Translation Unit” and “Atılım University Department of English Translation and Interpretation” Came Together for on Online Meeting Regarding "Translation Internship-Sectoral Collaboration" on 6th May 2021

WYG Türkiye Translation Unit” and “Atılım University Department of English Translation and Interpretation” Came Together for on Online Meeting Regarding "Translation Internship-Sectoral Collaboration" on 6th May 2021

“WYG Türkiye Translation Unit” and “Atılım University Department of English Translation and Interpretation” came together for an online meeting regarding "Translation Internship-Sectoral Collaboration" on 6th May 2021. With her more than 30 years of academic experience, Head of Department Prof. Dr. Nüzhet Berrin AKSOY and with her multidimensional research interests ranging from translator training to translation technologies, Instructor Dr. Naile Sarmaşık made their presentations and shared their opinions on translation from an academic perspective. To offer a practical perspective from project management consulting sector, WYG Türkiye & CIS Managing Director Dr. Faruk Cengiz Tekindağ, WYG Türkiye Translation Unit Coordinator Ms. Ceren Özgür, and WYG Türkiye Translator Mr. Mert Duman made their presentations. With his 35 years of experience in the sector, Dr. Faruk Cengiz Tekindağ introduced the company and shared his experiences and valuable recommendations with translation and interpreting students. Translation Unit Coordinator Ms. Ceren Özgür introduced WYG Türkiye Translation Unit and elaborated on what as a global company, WYG Türkiye Translation Unit expects from intern translator(s) with a specific emphasis on the translation quality and standards. As an Atılım University alumnus, Mr. Mert Duman shared his own journey both in the profession and in WYG Türkiye and stated that the other team members and he will provide mentorship to intern translator(s). Also, participants from WYG Türkiye answered the questions raised by professors and students. Finally, both parties thanked each other and expressed their wishes for further mutually beneficial cooperation.

20 April 2021
WYG Türkiye and Çankaya University's Department of Translation and Interpreting Studies came together for a meeting titled "Translation Internship and Expectations of Stakeholders"

WYG Türkiye and Çankaya University's Department of Translation and Interpreting Studies came together for a meeting titled "Translation Internship and Expectations of Stakeholders"

WYG Turkey and Çankaya University's Department of Translation and Interpreting Studies came together for a meeting titled "Translation Internship and Expectations of Stakeholders" on 20.04.2021. In this online meeting, Çankaya University Department of Translation and Interpreting Studies Department Head Prof. Dr. Ertuğrul KOÇ, Çankaya University Department of Translation and Interpreting Studies Asst. Prof. Dr. Mustafa KIRCA, WYG Türkiye Managing Director Dr. Faruk Cengiz Tekindağ, WYG Türkiye Translation Unit Coordinator Ceren Özgür, and WYG Türkiye Translator Kadir Göker Yıldırım made their presentations and answered the questions raised by the participating students.

01 April 2021
Water / Wastewater Sector Management Models and Autonomy Training was Conducted Regarding Technical Support and Capacity Building Component for BASKI and Implementation Project Unit

Water / Wastewater Sector Management Models and Autonomy Training was Conducted Regarding Technical Support and Capacity Building Component for BASKI and Implementation Project Unit

WYG Türkiye, the Consortium Leader of Bandırma Integrated Water Project, has conducted the three days Training Programme on "Management Models in Water / Wastewater Sector - Autonomous Management” between 29-31.03.2021 at BASKİ headquarters in Balıkesir with the participation of the Higher Management of BASKİ, Members of the Project Implementation Unit, Managers & Representatives of the related Departments and Divisions of BASKİ.

01 April 2021
Kick-Off Meeting of Technical Assistance for Increasing the Policy Making Capacity of Directorate General of International Labour Force in the Field of Labour Migration Project was Successfully Held Online

Kick-Off Meeting of Technical Assistance for Increasing the Policy Making Capacity of Directorate General of International Labour Force in the Field of Labour Migration Project was Successfully Held Online

Under the Konsoriyum leadership of WYG International Danışmanlık Limited Şirketi  the Kick-Off Meeting of "Technical Assistance for Increasing the Policy Making Capacity of Directorate General of International Labour Force in the Field of Labour Migration" Project was held on April 1st, 2021. The meeting was held online with the representatives of Directorate General of International Labour Force and Directorate of European Union and Financial Assistance under Republic of Turkey Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services, Delegation of the European Union to Turkey and Consortium partners. We would like to take this occasion to thank Mr. Ali AYBEY, Deputy General Manager of Directorate General for Foreign Relations and Ms. Süreyya ERKAN, Head of Directorate for European Union and Financial Assistance for their inspirational and supportive speeches and all participants for their valuable participation.
